The Importance of the On-Demand Video Library in Today’s World
One of the reasons we developed an on-demand video library and include it in our studio packages is because we want our studios to be successful in these times that can change on a dime. When Covid lockdown began in March 2020, the first thing we did was create the ability to stream classes. Secondly, we added the on-demand library feature.
Now that people have gotten accustomed to doing almost their entire life online, the creation of the on-demand library is a feature that is here to stay. This allows students to take class any time they please in the comfort of their own home or anywhere they choose to practice. With this now a mainstream option in our daily lives, this feature is also a revenue producer for our studios. For some studios, it was a main source of revenue during lockdown along with livestream classes.
Are you still tinkering around with the idea of offering an on-demand library to your community? All you need is a Vimeo, Zoom or YouTube account where you store your videos. We encourage you to take a gander through our on-demand module. Our onboarding team is always happy to review the capabilities and train you on how to get started. Please reach out to if you would like a tutorial on how it works.
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